Portable Yellow Leads Extractor 9.0.0 Multilingual
Yellow Leads Extractor Portable allows user to make 100% customizable searches in a browser. When you have this program then you no need to do lots work to get information from the yellow pages. You only need to enter category and location. After entering these information when you will click on the get data option after that all information will be extracted.
As you know yellow pages are list of telephone directory of businesses. Basically it is a paper based directory. By the help of yellow pages you can get details of companies, shops, services in a given area. Now yellow pages also started to be used to notify online directory of the businesses.
If you want to know some information from yellow pages directory then it could be easily done by the help of Yellow Leads Extractor Portable, a powerful Yellow Pages Scraper for USA, Canada, French, German, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, etc.
Now Y-Leads Extractor supports also Yelp, and it is one of the best YELP DATA SCRAPER on the market Basically it is a tool that searches popular yellow pages directories and provides you all information such as businesses name, address, phone numbers as well as emails.
You can save the extracted information in CSV format or in your Microsoft Excel. Therefore, just use this reliable tool and get all information which you want from a yellow pages. In addition to the yellow pages directory, the program allows you to capture company data from around the world thanks to the Infobel directory.
Here is the list of yellow pages sites supported by the program and from which you can capture all the data you want:
- ITALY PagineGialle.it
- FRANCE PagesJaunes.fr
- GERMANY GelbenSeiten.de
- GERMANY DasTelefonbuch.de
- ENGLISH Yell.com
- AUSTRIA Herold.at
- ITALY Aziende.virgilio.it
- SPAIN PaginasAmarillas.es
- USA YellowPages.com
- USA Yelp.com
- CANADA YellowPages.ca
- BELGIUM Goldenpages.be
- POLAND YellowPages.pl
- ALBANIA Yellowpagesalbania.com
- ROMANIA Paginiaurii.ro
- HOLLAND Detelefoongids.nl
- AUSTRALIA Yellowpages.com.au
- BRASIL Guiamais.com.br
- RUSSIA Yp.ru
- PAKISTAN Lookup.pk
- SOUTH AFRICA Yellowpages.co.za
- INDIA Justdial.com
- LATIN AMERICA (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Hoduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Guatemala)
- ALL COUNTRIES Yelp.com (read how to scrape data from Yelp.com) and Infobel.com